Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 21, 2008

2 Months

I know it is cliche, but I really can't believe Levi has been here for 2 months already!! It was definitely a difficult adjustment, but now we can't imagine not having him here! He is Lydia's pride and joy. When I first get her up in the morning she MUST have her breakfast immediately (hey...she is my child ya know!) then she stands at our bedroom door and cries "Brother, Brother" over and over until I go get him. Today she wanted to hold him...which she indicated by almost pulling him off the ottoman. I put them both up on the couch and she just sat there holding him in her lap, patting his legs and looking at his face. She even tickled his neck, while saying "tikatikatika" to get him to smile. Since smiling is his favorite thing to do, he politely obiliged. She looked up at me so proud and happy, I wish I had a camera in my lap to catch her face! Priceless!! We haven't made it to our 2 month appointment yet, but Levi is somewhere in the realm of 13 pounds and 23 inches long. He sleeps all night, and I have to wake him up to eat. He loves to play on his back, but is such the tummy sleeper. He will cry when he is ready for us to roll him over!! So funny! He is always flailing his arms around like he has no idea what he should do with them. We still have NO idea who he looks like, but I think he is going to have brown hair and big brown eyes!

Lydia really wanted me to put these pictures on here because she thought she was funny!!

This is Lydia's newest favorite face...her "sad face"

I am going to pretend for a second that people not only look at our blog for our kids but for us also, and tell you about our wonderful 4th Anniversary date. One of our most favorite artists (music not paint) came in town Sunday night: AMOS LEE!! We went to see him at the Village and it was AWESOME! We also got to hear Priscilla Ahn open for him who was absolutely incredible. We bought her CD ahead of time so we would be a little familiar and she was even better live. It was really nice to have a night out without the kiddos! Can't believe we are already to this point in our life, but we wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!!

1 comment:

auntbecca said...

awe! thoose pics are soo precious! i cant believe how beautiful the kidz are!!!