Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Getting Older

We are gearing up for Lydia's 1st birthday on Sunday. I can't believe she is already one!! We are having the most fun watching her grow up and develop into her own little person. She has the sweetest personality! She loves to be funny and silly. It is crazy how they learn those things. I am working on a big first birthday post, but in the meantime here are some pictures that make me laugh!

In desperate need of a diaper change!!

Kung Fu Lydia

Reading with of her FAVORITE things to do!!

Learning to blow kisses

The newest addition to her mouth...I'm just worried there isn't going to be room for any more teeth after these babies popped in!!

Big blue eyes...

Working on feeding herself. She is down to 4 oz of milk 3 times a day. She eats pretty much whatever we eat, and she is LOVIN' IT

At our lifegroup kickoff party...eating pizza! Her daddy was so proud...

Eating with Jack and Lucy (with some help from Tia)

Enjoying the playground with Tia...she loved the slide the best!

Here is a little background on one of the pictures we took at SeaWorld:
My cousin Ross and I are 4 months apart and might as well be siblings. He is the closest thing I have to a big brother and he and his wife Jenny are some of our very best friends. They live in Oklahoma City and we get together every chance we get. On Ross' first visit to SeaWorld (almost exactly 20 years before Lydia's) he brought home a Shamu Puppet. He wanted to get Lydia the same souvenier from her first visit...hence the photo with Ross, Lydia and the Shamu puppet. Since we have had it home, she holds it every time she is in her carseat! It has been a lifesaver to us because she no longer cries the entire time we are in the car!!

Ross and Lydia in 2008 and Ross and Shamu in 1998

1 comment:

Jill said...

Kung Fu picture is hilarious!