Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy 4th, Baby Jackson!

For the Fourth of July we packed up the kids and headed to OKC to visit Baby Jackson. Ross and Jenny had been waiting for God to bless them with a baby for a long time, and we couldn't have been more excited to meet the little guy! Lydia had been talking about "Baby Jackson" all week! The moment of meeting did not disappoint...

"I'm still your favorite, right Mommy?"

Me, Baby Jackson, and a VERY proud daddy, Ross

Growing up while we still lived in Oklahoma, the 4th of July always meant the HUGE picnic cookout at Mama Jo and Papa's house. 300+ Oklahoma Christian faculty and staff would come, the Summer Singers band would play. Great fun! This year we were able to have a little throw back to those days...

Lydia and Cooper shared the tire swing

Nothing like being naked in the back yard...

Aunt Beverly (or "Aunt Bebs" to Lydia) got the great-grandbabies matching 4th of July outfits.

The Anderson family

Lydia finished up the night in a much too small swing

then a ride on the paddle boat...a rite of passage for all North grandchildren

Luke and Levi: Take 1

Luke and Levi: Take 2

Fishing off the deck

Yay GUS!!

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