Lydia turned 4 months old on Christmas Eve. Necon and I were both off on Christmas Eve, which was nice since we both had to work Christmas Day. We had such a good day just enjoying playing with Lydia. She has gotten to such a fun stage! I know that we will probably say that about all of them, but she is such a joy! She now weighs a whopping 15 1/2 pounds (75%) and is 25 1/2 inches long (95%). She obviously gets the heighth from me...We had to get some more shots on Wednesday at her four month check up and she has been super fussy since then. She didn't fuss after her 2 month immunizations so I am getting a little worried. Last night she got up almost every hour. It was the first night she hadn't slept all night since she was a week old. She even has really hard knots at all three injection sites. I know that being a nurse I should probably know if this is normal or not, but I am of course worried and hate seeing her looking like she is in pain! Enough of that...she is for the most part an extremely happy baby. She loves to look around at us. She now reaches towards us and is really grabbing at things. She is officially in the oral phase where EVERYTHING goes straight to the mouth. She rolls over onto her back when she is on her tummy, but she hasn't quite tackled rolling the other direction. She gets so close that I know it takes her more energy to roll back than it would to finish rolling over. I keep thinking she is going to get a tooth any day she is so slobbery (see exhibit a below!!), but she hasn't.
This is the best picture I could get...she was really tired!!
I'm not sure why being parents gives us the right to do things like this to our children, but I am so glad it does because I think it is absolutely adorable! Lydia has taken a few showers and she really seems to like that better than her little bathtub! This is her "I'm freezing" face...
More bumbo pics...
If you look closely you can see how much she slobbers and how much it does not bother her in the slightest to leave it just hanging out of her mouth. I know that we should pay Amy Bell more for all the extra work she had to do taking the slobber out of Lydia's 3 month pictures!!
It looks like you guys had a really great Christmas! You can never have too many grandparents! Remember that saying, it takes a village to raise a child? How true that is! Happy New Years!! Love, Shauri
I don't know if she can get any cuter. It's so fun to get back in touch with you! I MISS YOU SOOOO much! I have been telling Matt all about you guys! I hope you had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'll have my aunt or Wes and Traci give you my email or something. LOVE YOU TONS!!!! ps. I am TOTALLY A HOOKER!!!
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