Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

9 Months and More

It's hard to believe our little blue eyes is already 9 months old! I knew our lives would change, but no one could have prepared me for how much better the change would be! Lydia is still in the 90th percentile (21 pounds and 28 1/2 inches long). No surprises there! She is still refusing to walk more than a few steps at a time. She could walk if she weren't so scared. She will stand there with this look on her face (usually smiling awkwardly) knowing she is supposed to walk, but isn't ready and she just slowly sits down. Her vocabulary is growing daily. We are up to: "mum" (that's right...I don't get the sweet mama), dada, dog, cat, light, please, thank you, baby, bye bye. She will mimic almost anything you say to her and she jabbers constantly! She loves to give us kisses whether we ask for them or not, and she actually obeys most of the time when I tell her no. Today we knocked another bottle out of her schedule. Hopefully she will start eating regular foods with us soon. She has two teeth in the bottom and I think she is getting more on top. Thankfully, she is napping well (an hour in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon). She still sleeps almost 12 hours every night. She is starting to get the hang of her sippy cup, and she LOVES to be outside and with her daddy. He is her favorite person in the world!! Enjoy the pictures...

If we say "sweet baby" she lays her head down as fast as she can...

Here is a close up of her two teeth and her happy laugh...

Playing with Carter at the ball field

Don't they look like they are up to something??


We have been getting together one on one with another couple from our lifegroup every month this year. For May, we went to a Traveler's game with the Coyle's and had a really great time. There was another entire life group at the same game sitting right behind us, so Lydia spent some quality time with just about everyone in the section.

Caroline really loved meeting Shelly, but Parker wouldn't get close

Charlie's Graduation and Memorial Day
We spent a lot of time at the Monan's at the end of May. Charlie graduated, so we had a party for that. Then it was Memorial Day, and since the Monan's have a pool we spent the day over there enjoying the water and grilling out! I was nervous Lydia wasn't going to like the pool since she still won't take a bath (showers only!), but she had a blast. She thought the water was the funniest thing ever!!
Lydia's first time to meet Charlie and Nathan's Michigan grandmother...

Grandpa can always get her to sleep

Ready for the pool...

Too much fun in the sun

My Birthday

I have been very proud of the fact that I am not yet 25 years old. That all changed yesterday. I had to face the quarter of a century age. Kinda scary. We had a wonderful dinner from Moe's at mom and dad's on Sunday. I had to work on my birthday, but when I got home Necon had dinner ready on our china and beautiful flowers on the table in the formal dining room. Lydia was at his parents, and we were able to have dinner together just the two of us. It was really nice. By far the best birthday present he could have given me...
Lydia helped Necon clean the kitchen before I got home

The beautiful place setting

I am still really looking forward to dinner, cake and ice cream at the Warrior's tomorrow night.


Michelle said...

Maybe I should try Cooper taking a shower instead of baths, but he gets so slippery it is hard to hold him. He screams the loudest everytime we give him a bath, that ought to make for some real fun beach time!

wesselhome said...

Im such a horrible friend...I never remember birthdays! well happy birthday! you know I love you! My baby girl is growing up so fast...she looks like her mommy!
She going to have to teach Averi the ropes...