Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 27, 2007

She's here!!

We got up and followed our normal Thursday morning routines thinking August 23rd was going to be just that...normal. Little did we know we were in for a big surprise! I woke up feeling horrible, but then again I was 38 weeks pregnant, swollen beyond belief (and recognition...) and to make it all better it was 800 degrees outside. Despite a fairly easy patient load in the nursery I kept feeling worse and worse and then the headache started. It was awful! I knew my blood pressure must be going up. After 3 or 4 really high pressures I called Dr. Wendel and left a message with the nurse. About 2pm they called back and told me to go to labor and delivery for "prolonged monitoring." No matter what we did my blood pressure would not go down to normal, so at 6pm the decision was made to admit me for delivery. I'm thinking "delivery of what??" We were so not ready for this!! Literally...we weren't ready. I had to call my mother and talk to her on the phone for an hour telling her what to pack and where it was and what we still hadn't gotten and could she please hurry!!! It was out of control. During the "prolonged monitoring" phase of our eventful day they saw that I was having fairly normal contractions so they decided to try an induction...17 hours later I was still not making ANY progress towards "delivery" so they called me a "failed induction" and informed us we would be having a C-Section. We were freaking out!! All we were trying to do was to go to work, do our jobs and make it to the weekend so we could clean our house and finish getting ready for out baby to come. Now we hadn't been home, hadn't showered, hadn't eaten in over 36 hours, I hadn't even gotten my hair colored for all of the pictures!! So of course...I CRIED!! Before we knew it we were back in the OR listening to our precious little Lydia crying away!!

Some SUPER Excited fam...

Sure...she's cute but mostly I am
SOOOO happy to no longer be pregnant!!

Proud Papa
Rebecca may be more excited than anyone!

Mom is so happy to be a (name to be determined, but it's definitely not granny)

More proud grandparents...can you tell she is the first grandbaby??

So here are some close ups of who we are all so proud of...

Lydia Annelise Warrior

August 24, 2007

7 lbs, 21 inches


Cortney said...

I am so glad I checked your blog!!! Lydia is beautiful; not that I am surprised, but she is such a pretty newborn. You gotta love those precious little c-section heads! Congratulations! I am so glad she is here safe and sound--can't wait to meet her! Love ya!

David Parks said...

She is beautiful! Glad everyone is happy and healthy. My first one came 3 weeks early- we did not even have the carseat yet! Enjoy motherhood, it is wonderful. May God bless you and your family,
Amy "Coach" Parks

JoEllyn said...

She is SOOO cute!! And you are such a hot mama! I hate that I was in Seattle but I want to come see her TODAY! I saw your mom's pictures this morning; she is SO excited! We are SO happy for you guys! You will be awesome parents...regardless of the rocking issue. ha

Jayspee27 said...

I have goose bumps. She's tiny!!!