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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Double Stroller

Mom decided she wanted to get us a double stroller for our baby gift. After much discussion and research we settled on the Kolcraft Contours stroller. It is SUPER great because it has an attachment that lets us put Levi's carseat in place of one of the seats AND we can change the seats around to face eachother or apart or both face us or both face away from us...there is like 6 different options. PLUS there is a really large storage compartment beneath the seats. Alot of the other strollers we looked at didn't have one that seemed big enough to store anything. I can't wait until we can put them in the stroller facing each other! Anyway...Lydia was dying to go "aht-side" so we grabbed our popsicles and loaded up. The stroller worked GREAT!

As you can see...Lydia LOVES popsicles

This is her new face she makes when she knows she is being cute or funny. It is usually accompanied by a super fake laugh. How do they pick up on these things??

Levi was really wiped out from the long walk around the cul-de-sac...actually this is what he does ALL the time! We have to wake him up in the middle of the night to eat...CRAZY!

Levi will be a week old tomorrow. Having two kids is definitely a big change from just one. Necon has been home with us all week. I have no idea what I am going to do Tuesday when he has to go back to work! Necon is the best dad in the world. He is such a huge help and he really LOVES doing it. We are so blessed that he loves us so much. Levi pretty much just sleeps and eats and then sleeps again. Breastfeeding is actually going REALLY well which is a huge relief to me after the terrible time Lydia had. Now I know why people say they love breastfeeding. It is priceless time I get to spend with Levi, and there is such pride knowing I am providing him with the food he needs.
We took both kids to the doctor on Wednesday. Levi is back to gaining weight and Lydia is still in the 90th percentile for height. She has a 50 word vocabulary which the doctor said was really good for her age. She is a great eater and still sleeps well. We finally got the hang of drinking milk out of the sippy cup and she voluntarily gave up her bottle. We are starting to have trouble with her hitting. She isn't really being mean, she just gets excited and isn't sure how to play with kids (especially ones that are smaller than her.) I am hoping that having Levi and teaching her how to be gentle with him will help with this. As always I am happy for any advice...

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