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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 27, 2008

World Fest 2008

After Lydia's morning nap, we left for our first official "outing" since Levi was born. This weekend was World Fest at the Clinton Presidential Library. Necon's sister, Tasha, and his dad, Chief, were dressed in full indian regalia and Tasha also fancy shawl danced. A teepee was set up with lots of different cool indian stuff inside. Their good friend Mike Blair played the indian drum and his wife, Lisa, and Necon's mom, Beth, showed people around inside the teepee. It was super fun for Lydia to see some of her indian heritage in living color. She wasn't sure what to think at first, but she wound up having a great day!!

Checking out Aunt Tasha's clothes

Hmm...looks kinda like my Papa, but not quite sure

Tasha dancing fancy shawl

Lydia joining in

She worked up a thirst so Nana got her a peach smoothie

Checking out Chief's beadwork

Josiah and Lydia posing for the camera

The whole Warrior clan

Tasha and Josiah

Stopping for more smoothie...really getting the hang of the straw

Playing the big indian drum

Say "Cheese"

Another smoothie pit stop

Playing nicely...she went all day with no hitting!!

Gaining wisdom from The Chief

The Heifer Project had a booth next to ours.
Lydia LOVED playing with the animals!!

Levi was just chillin'

Then Lydia found the fountains! It was so hot, we let her go wild...and she sure did!

She was SOAKING wet...

So we took her clothes off and let her play some more!!


Cortney said...

Levi looks just precious--I can't wait to meet him! I love the pics of Lydia at the fountain! Fun day!

Michelle said...

sorry the longhorns put a beating on your boys today. Cooper has only peed on us twice so I have no advice for you.

Karla Milum said...

Hey Jeni!!!

I LOVE your blog! It's so great to see pics of the kids and watch'em grow! We sure miss you, girl! Don't be a stranger!!!
